The echo of the bison

By Darian Woods|Brittany Cronin|Kate Concannon

For over 10,000 years, many peoples in what's now known as North America relied on bison. Thirty million of these creatures

There have been more than a thousand official sightings of the Loch Ness Monster, the Loch Ness Centre says. Nessie

Photos: See the aftermath of flooding, mudslides

By Nicole Werbeck

The storm drenched lower-lying areas as it moved from northern Baja California in Mexico into the United States, drenching

Heat dome over Central U.S. could bring hottest

By Laurel Wamsley

This summer has already been awfully hot in the southern Plains and the Gulf Coast. Now, a large portion of the U.S. will

A Filipino congregation took in its own members

By Jason DeRose

The devastating fires on Maui burned more than 2,000 homes and buildings in Lahaina. Many churches have taken in their

Poor air quality can drive you indoors, but do you know what you're breathing inside your home? Here's the latest on

3 strategies Maui can adopt from other states to

By Lauren Sommer

In preparing for future fires, Maui doesn't have to look far. States like California have passed wildfire policies to reduce

On Maui, another fire is burning but capturing

By Deanne Fitzmaurice|Eric Westervelt

While the world focuses on the devastation in West Maui and the destruction of the historic community of Lahaina, another

Priceless connections to Hawaii's ancient past

By Jonaki Mehta

As people grapple with more than 100 people who died in the Lahaina fire on Maui, they're still trying to understand the